Halloween is a day for all things scary. Enbridge’s Line 3 Replacement Pipeline Project, however, is a whole other level of scary.
Ghosts, ghouls and goblins might make you jump for a moment, but then you realize they’re not actually real. Climate Change, however, IS real.

We are permanently altering the entire global ecosystem, a system that for millions of years has evolved to allow us two-leggeds the means of eating nutritious food, drinking clean water, and passing along a world to our children that allows them to do the same.
As Minnesotans, we have a choice.
We can say, “Enough is Enough” and tell our State leadership that we, united, want to make a global difference in the Climate Crisis and deny Enbridge, a Canadian Corporation, permission to build a Tar Sands Oil Pipeline across our beautiful North woods and the headwaters of the Mississippi River.
The time is not to take bold, decisive action to make the thought of humanity’s future a little less scary than it currently is.
Please join the growing movement to #StopLine3.
Oh, and Happy Halloween from SEEKJOY Camp 🙂